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The following dress code policies apply to all students enrolled at CLA while on campus or at extracurricular activity which is organized or sponsored by CLA, or in which the student represents CLA as a participant.

Christian Light Academy

Student Handbook

Be the Light

Matthew 5:14



The purpose of this independent Christian school is to provide a creative, loving academic environment for students as well as to grow socially, emotionally, physically, academically, and spiritually through individual and group learning experiences under the guidance and nurture of carefully chosen Christian teachers, administrators, and under the Lordship of Jesus Christ.  It is the purpose of Christian Light Academy to encourage all students to grow in a personal relationship with Jesus Christ and to emphasize the value of the eternal soul, the worth of the individual, the love of God for man, and the kinship of all people as taught in the Holy Scriptures, while providing students with the opportunity for achieving academic excellence.


The philosophy of this school in education is that a school should be family-based, student-oriented, community conscious, and traditional in values and methods.  We believe that all knowledge should be seen through a Biblical worldview and that each student should be challenged to excellence.

“Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it. ”Proverbs 22:6


General Admission

Admission to Christian Light Academy is open to any Christian family who express their personal commitment to Jesus Christ and are actively involved in a local church.  Our school is the place for Christian families to receive an education that will round out their Biblical beliefs.  Therefore, the school expects the Biblical teachings taught at school to be reinforced and carried out at home.

CLA’s mission involves working with the parents to provide Christian education to students, and so we expect parents to be partners in nurturing their children, as well as to agree to the following statement: “As a parent, I agree to support the school with my prayers and with a positive attitude.  Complaints or negative comments will be shared ONLY with the teacher, administrator, or person directly involved and NOT with my child or other people.  This is based on the biblical principle stated in Matthew 18:15.”

Christian Light Academy admits students of any race, gender, color, national, or ethnic origin to all the rights, privileges, programs, and activities generally accorded or made available to students at the school.  Enrollment is open to families from Ukrainian Pentecostal Church, which hosts the campus, on a first-come, first-served basis.  Non-member evangelical families may enroll if space is available, yet all school policies are applied to all CLA families.

During the registration period, an appointment for a new family interview and student entrance test, if needed, will be made through the school administration.  After the interview and testing, the admission committee will determine whether the student is accepted for enrollment.  Any student whose fifth birthday is on or before October 31 is eligible to apply for admission to Kindergarten given the availability of classroom space. Students applying for first grade must have their sixth birthday on or before October 31.

Admission Procedure for New Students

The following must be submitted by the admission due date to complete the application process.  Students will not be officially enrolled until all necessary information and documents are received.

·         The completed application form with both parents’ signatures;

·         The non-refundable enrollment fee;

·         A personal bank account’s voided check, for monthly billings;

·         A copy of student’s medical insurance card;

·         The physical examination form, completed within one year prior to admission to CLA

.         Documentation of proof of immunization or a signed immunization exemption form

.         A copy of student’s birth certificate

·         A copy of the student’s cumulative records from the previous school attended (if applicable).  CLA may request information, such as educational and behavioral records, from previously attended school(s) after students are enrolled at CLA.

Withdrawal Procedures

There may be a time when a student withdraws from CLA either during or at the end of the school year.  Withdrawals are not official until the withdrawal form has been completed and accepted by the CLA School Office.  No cumulative records will be released until the withdrawal form has been completed, accepted, and all financial obligations have been met.

Withdrawal Policy

If a student withdraws during the school year, the parents/guardians are held responsible for the full tuition of the month in which the withdrawal is completed.  Official transcripts, report cards, and records cannot be released or sent to other schools with an outstanding balance remaining at CLA.


All textbooks are the property of CLA.  Replacement costs will be applied for lost or damaged books. School materials and textbooks are updated according to the Abeka curriculum.



 CLA utilizes Abeka Christian curriculum for all subjects and grades. The primary objective and purpose of Abeka is to provide a distinctively Christian learning program for students in K-8th grade.

 It covers five major subject areas (Bible, Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Social Studies) and K-8th grade levels of work.



Student Evaluation

Following the Abeka curriculum, CLA conducts regular tests, quizzes, and project evaluation.  Cumulative grades are recorded on report cards.  Report cards are distributed at the end of each grading period.  The formal copies of the report cards are kept in the students’ school records.  Parents are expected to review the report cards and contact classroom teachers with any questions or concerns.  If the financial obligations have not been met, the student will not receive the final annual report card.

Academic Probation

If a student’s academic performance is not improved after reasonable accommodations, the student will be placed on probation for one quarter.  If grades are not improved, the student will be expelled from Christian Light Academy.

Cheating Policy

Cheating is defined as copying homework, plagiarism in research papers and compositions, and unauthorized assistance on tests or quizzes.  Cheating is a serious offense.  It involves taking information from another source and presenting it as your own information.  Thus, it involves both the components of stealing and lying.  CLA has adapted a “zero tolerance” policy for cheating.  If it is determined that a student has cheated, the following actions will be taken:

 1.  The Principal is informed.

2.  The Principal will contact parents explaining specifics of incident.

3.  Student will lose the privilege to be in school for one day and will be sent home.


The faculty and staff of Christian Light Academy endorse and encourage the use of homework and reading practice to promote student learning.  Students develop self-discipline by setting aside time after school hours to complete homework assignments.  The purpose of homework includes increasing student achievement, involving parents in the learning process, and encouraging self-directed, independent learning.  Assigning quality homework offers students opportunities for enrichment, practice of basic skills, and extension of instructional objectives.  Unfinished class work may be given to finish at home.  Likewise, teachers may choose to assign additional homework as needed to enhance learning.  If homework assignments are not completed, teachers will discipline students according to classroom procedures.

Through a strong home/school partnership, homework has the potential to increase learning time and student achievement, which supports our ultimate goal.  Parents may assist by seeing that schoolwork is completed and explaining work when necessary, but the work must be done by the student.  The student planner for your student is a good avenue for tracking your child’s weekly homework.  While the learning process is facilitated by both teacher and parent, homework is the responsibility of the student. 


Starting in 1st grade through 8th grade, students will be provided with a school planner.  The student planner is one of the means of communication between school and home.  Student planners need to be checked every day to see if there is homework.  Planners must be signed by a parent every night.  Homework may also be posted electronically via Viber, email, or text.

Student Records

The school maintains a complete record, including a cumulative academic and guidance record, for each student.  These records are kept in a secured area in the school.  All material in these records is treated as strictly confidential and is available only according to the following policy:

(1) Parents or guardians have the right to inspect and review any and all official records, files, and data directly relating to their child(ren), including all material that is incorporated into the student’s cumulative record folder.

(2) Parents shall have the opportunity for a hearing with the principal and the teacher to challenge the content of their student’s school records to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the student, and to provide an opportunity for the correction or deletion of any such inaccurate or misleading information.

(3) When a student leaves school, the records may be shared with the new school utilizing officially established procedures.



School Attendance

CLA school hours are 8:30 AM-3:00 PM.  Students should be dropped off at school no earlier than 8:05 AM and no later than 8:25 AM.

School dismissal begins at 2:55 PM; parents are to pick up children promptly when classes are dismissed.  Students who are not picked up within 15 minutes after dismissal will be supervised by an assigned teacher until parents arrive.  If an emergency situation arises or should parents be late, please call and notify the school.


All students (K-8th) are expected to arrive on time each morning and for each class period.  Students will be considered tardy unless a legitimate written excuse from an authorized individual is submitted to the teacher upon the student’s arrival.


When a student is absent for any reason, a note from the parent needs to be submitted upon returning to school.  If there are planned absences for more than 3 days, prior arrangement must be made with the classroom teacher to provide the student with makeup work so that he/she does not fall behind the rest of the class.

Severe Weather Conditions

CLA usually follows Jessamine County’s decision to determine a closing or delay in case of inclement weather.  The CLA administration will electronically notify all families in the event of a closing.


Chapel is held weekly for all students in grades K-8th.  Special assemblies or events may be scheduled in which students must attend.  Parents are encouraged and welcomed to attend all chapels and/or assemblies.

Textbooks & Curriculums

All consumable textbooks belong to the student; all non-consumable textbooks belong to school.  Lost textbooks will be replaced at parents’ expense.

Personal Property [Lost & Found]

All articles of clothing, lunch boxes, and other personal property should be clearly marked for identification.  A “Lost & Found” box will be kept at a designated location.  Unclaimed items will be disposed of at the end of each quarter.

Field Trip Guidelines

Field trips are a vital part of CLA’s educational process. Before a field trip is taken, a permission slip will be sent home from the school office.  Parents will be notified about what clothing may be worn on the trip, what type of transportation is needed, whether volunteers are needed to chaperone the activity, and trip overview.  All students must have a signed permission slip to participate in any field trip.

During a field trip, students must stay with their assigned group leader, even if family is attending.  Parents and students need to submit to the group leaders during all field trip activities.  Group and transportation assignments are determined by the school. Students are expected to follow school rules during all field trips.

Campus Visits

Parents are invited to visit the school.  However, prior arrangements needed to be made with principal and the teacher.  Facility doors are locked during the regular school hours.

Medication Policy

All medications (prescription and nonprescription) can be administered only when it is brought to the school by parent/guardian.  Parents/guardians must provide specific written instructions.

Books, Magazines, & Electronics

Any books or magazines brought to school by a student must be approved by the student’s parents, as well as the teacher. CLA administration reserves the right to check students’ backpacks in case of any suspicious behavior.  Inappropriate books or magazines will be confiscated, parents will be notified, and appropriate corrective actions will be taken.  Electronics such as cell phones, smart watches, picture-taking devices, or electronic toys are prohibited in school.  Exceptions may be made if students have teachers’ permission to bring an electronic device for educational purposes.


The CLA facility is under surveillance 24/7.  If any suspicious behavior is reported, the security personnel will investigate the incident by using surveillance equipment.

School Property

All property and equipment at Christian Light Academy is dedicated to the Lord for the ministry of education.

This property must be appreciated and used with respect and care.  Any defacing or destroying of the school property is subject to disciplinary action.  The violator’s family will reimburse the school for all damages.  Personal property of all employees of CLA will be treated with the same respect as school property.

Playground Policy

(1) No students are allowed on playground without supervision.

(2) Students must use the playground equipment in a proper and safe manner.

(3) Students are required to keep the playground clean and orderly.

(4) Students must stay within the playground boundaries and ask teachers’ permission to leave.



School Discipline

CLA adapted “Zero Tolerance” policies for:

  • Cheating

  • Disrespect to Teachers or Administration

  • Bullying

  • Name calling (students using diminishing, degrading, or profane names when addressing other students or adults)

If the above-mentioned violations will occur, the students will meet with the Principal and the parents will be notified. The student will lose the PRIVILEGE to be in school for that day or for the next day, as determined by the Principal.


Because the education process is an emotional journey, it is important that we establish a framework for conflict resolution. The purpose of this policy is to establish a process for timely and orderly resolution of students’ and/or parents’ concerns, questions, or appeals.  It is the school’s intent that all disagreements be resolved effectively and at the lowest possible level.  If this is not possible, the appropriate elevation will apply. Throughout the appeal or complaint process, all parties should demonstrate mutual respect, and the dignity of all parties involved should be preserved.  The focus of discussions shall be on the problem resolution that is mutually acceptable, rather than an adversarial win-lose conclusion.  No reprisals or retaliation of any kind shall be taken against a student or parent utilizing this procedure.

Appeal Process Steps

(1) Attempt to resolve the problem with the person most directly involved with the situation; it is our request that parents go to the person involved in the conflict, rather than someone unaffiliated with the school.

(2) If the situation cannot be resolved to the satisfaction of both parties as described in step one, discuss it with the Principal.

(3) If all other steps have been proven unsuccessful, request a meeting with the Board of Directors.  The Board is the final authority on issue resolution.


Generally, students should abide by these basic guidelines:

Immediate obedience: Students should respond positively to any instructions given by those in authority.  (Ephesians 6:5-7)

Honor authority: Students are expected to give honor to all those in authority, in both attitude and action. (Romans 13:1-2)

Absolute honesty: Students should never deceive, mislead, or fail to tell the truth. (Romans 13:13)

Christ-like behavior: In all attitudes and actions, students should live according to biblical principles and values. (Ephesians 2:10, 5:1)

Complete Dependability- Students should keep their word and accept their assigned responsibilities. (Matthew 5:34-37)

Discipline Enforcement

Most correction will be handled by the teacher using classroom disciplinary procedures.  Parents will be notified if a problem continues.

In cases where a problem persists and there is no behavioral change, the student will be called to the Principal’s office for further discussion.  If no progress is made after reasonable warnings, the student will lose his/her PRIVILEGE to be at school and will be sent home. The Principal or Vice Principal will determine the appropriate punishment/consequence in each severe misconduct case.

Students who consistently fail to respond to efforts of correction may be suspended ог expelled.  Much care is taken to ensure that correction is handled properly.



The following dress code policies apply to all students enrolled at CLA while on campus or at extracurricular activities organized or sponsored by CLA, or in which the student represents CLA as a participant.  Although students will be permitted to change into clothing that is appropriate for specific programs, sports practices, games, community activities, etc., the general guidelines regarding modesty and neatness must be maintained. All students are expected to comply with the dress code guidelines in spirit and in practice. While CLA recognizes that cultural or societal expectations are not Biblical absolutes, the Administration recognizes that appearance influences the atmosphere of the school and reflects the heart’s attitude.


  • Neat in appearance (no holes, frays, patches, or worn-out areas)

  • Modest, not tight or form-fitting; see individual articles of clothing for specific modesty guidelines

  • Parents will be contacted for a change of clothing if the dress code is not followed.

The following articles are prohibited for Casual Clothes Days or gym activities: low cut or see-through attire, halter tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps, sleeveless tops, tank tops, leggings, shorts, tight pants, or any clothing with writing or pictures that exhibit content not appropriate for a Christian school.

During regular school days, only uniform clothes are permitted (See “Male/Female Dress Code Lists” below).

Although some violations may be corrected immediately, issues regarding modesty or inappropriate clothing will necessitate a call home requesting a change of clothing and may result in suspension or dismissal if administration deems the violations as blatant attempts to be noncompliant.

Any exceptions to the stated dress code guidelines must be approved by the Administration in advance so that students, parents, faculty, and staff members have been notified regarding the deviations.

 Male Student Dress Code


  • Only white POLO collared shirts, short-sleeved, or long-sleeved for colder months.


  • Solid-colored navy blue uniform pants with black belt if needed;

  • Belts may not have spikes, metal decorations, or chains.


  • Solid-colored navy blue v-neck, crew, or button-up sweaters only; 

  • No sweaters with advertising of any brand or logos are allowed


  • Conservative closed-toe shoes or sneakers;

  • No light up, wheelie or unusual color sneakers permitted;

  • Shoes must be worn at all times.


  • Solid-colored navy blue or black socks only.


  •   Hats should not be worn in the building at any time; hats must be taken off before entering the building.

 Female Student Dress Code


  • Only white POLO collared shirts, short-sleeved, or long-sleeved for colder months.


  • Solid-colored navy blue knee-length uniform skirts only.


  • Conservative closed-toe, low-heeled shoes or sneakers;

  • No light up, wheelie, or unusual color sneakers permitted;

  • Shoes must be worn at all times.


  • Solid-colored navy blue v-neck, crew, or button-up sweaters only.

  • No sweaters with advertising of any brand or logos are allowed.


  • White socks during the warm months;

  • Solid-colored navy blue or black tights for colder months.

This dress code IS STRICTLY ENFORCED throughout the year.

Out-of-Uniform/Casual Clothes Days

Some days will be assigned as casual clothes days.  These may include assigned days during the week, field trip days, or special days for the students.  On these days, we ask to keep clothes appropriate and in accordance with CLA’s standards. Clothes should be neat and clean with no controversial or provocative writing or images.  

No shorts are allowed on school/church property at any time.



(1) We will faithfully support the school with our prayers and positive attitude and share any complaints, questionable or negative comments with ONLY the people involved (Administration or Faculty), and NOT around our child(ren).

(2) We agree with the standards of conduct and discipline and grant authority to the teachers and Administration to discipline our child(ren) when necessary.  We further agree to cooperate and discipline our child(ren) at home.

(3) We understand that Christian Light Academy does not tolerate profanity, obscenity in word or action, dishonor to the Holy Trinity and the Word of God, disrespect to the personnel of the school, or continued disobedience to the established policies of the school.

(4) We will uphold the spiritual emphasis of Christian Light Academy.  We agree that active attendance and participation in church services is required.

(5) We agree to hold and support the high academic standards of CLA by providing a place at home for our child(ren) to study and to give our child(ren) encouragement in the completion of assigned homework.

(6) We will support CLA by regular involvement at parent/teacher fellowship meetings, seminars, workdays, open house, fundraisers, and other school-sponsored meetings and activities.

(7) We understand and agree to the school’s financial and withdrawal policy.

(8) We will uphold Christian Light Academy policy regarding school uniform and understand violating it may forfeit the students’ privilege to attend Christian Light Academy.

(9) We understand that parents’ failure to comply with the established regulations, discipline, parental commitment, financial obligations, and their commitment to participate in regular fundraising events will forfeit the student’s privilege to attend Christian Light Academy.

Copyright © 2020 Christian Light Academy