Christian Light Academy

 Action Plan

 in response to COVID-19 pandemic

I.                    SOCIAL DISTANCING

A.      All classrooms will implement six feet distancing between students’ seats. This will be monitored by the school administration.

B.      All seats will be facing one direction.

C.       Teaching space will have to be maintained six feet apart from the students’ seats.

D.      Markings will be placed at common student-congested places, such as bathrooms, to maintain six feet distancing.


II.                   CLOTH FACE COVERINGS

A.      CLA students in 1st-8th grades and staff will be required to wear a cloth face covering. Mask can be lowered if students are seated at six feet distance in the classrooms.

B.      Masks are not required when students are outside of the building and six feet distancing is maintained.

C.       Masks should be washed or replaced daily.

D.      Rubber gloves and masks should be worn when premises sanitized and cleaned. Cleaning will be performed before lunch, after lunch, and when school is dismissed.

E.       Students’ medicine will be administered according to safety expectations stated in the interim guidance.



A.      Parents will be directed not to send a child to school if any COVID-19 symptoms are present or child’s body temperature is greater than 100.4 degrees. Parents will be given the exclusion criteria list, provided in the interim guidance.

B.      Students’ temperature will be checked at the arrival with touchless thermometer.

C.       Related posters will be posted at the entrance of the school property.

D.      The school will designate the isolation area in case COVID-19 symptoms are discovered while student is in school. Parents will be contacted immediately to pick up their child.

E.       If parents cannot be reached or are lacking transportation, immediate relatives will be contacted and transportations will be arranged. CLA does not utilize school bus transportation.

F.       Infected student can return to school only if the local Health Department or the student’s medical provider submits a clearance documentation allowing the student to return to school.

G.      While infected students are quarantined, the classroom teachers will provide support in continuing distance learning utilizing Abeka video lessons.

H.      Annual health screening and immunization documents are required for all CLA students.

I.        School attendance will be carefully maintained to analyze patterns of absences related to infectious illnesses.

J.        In the case that the rate of infectious disease will rise, calling for school closure, school staff will provide initial technical support for distance learning using Abeka video curriculum. School can reopen only if all the infected students will provide clearance documentations from medical provider or health department.

K.      Students and staff will be educated on:

●        Hand washing techniques

●         Using hand sanitizer 

●        Healthy nutrition

●        Safe storage of cleaning products

●        Maintaining social distancing



A.      Appropriate signs will be posted throughout school facility encouraging proper hygiene practice.

B.      All staff will be trained on facility and surface cleaning protocol.

C.       Appropriate cleaning product will be purchased and will be available at all times.

D.      Classrooms and common areas will be regularly sanitized and cleaned according to cleaning protocol.

E.       Students will be separated into smaller groups during lunch time and social distancing will be maintained, such as sitting six feet apart and facing one direction. Teachers assisting students during lunch will follow safety protocol such as wearing masks and gloves. Lunch seats will be assigned to support contact tracing. Disposable utensils will be used. When possible, lunches will be conducted outside.

F.       Lunch tables and chairs will be sanitized before and after each group of students. CLA does not provide food services to students. Parents provide disposable lunch for their student.


V.                  CONTACT TRACING

A.      CLA will maintain close relationship with Jessamine County Health Department for co-operation, sharing information and participating in contact tracing.

B.      In case of a student being infected with COVID-19, the Health Department will be notified immediately by school administration.

C.       CLA staff will assist Health Department with contact tracing and with implementing any needed procedures/protocols.

 Adapted by CLA Board of Directors on July 1, 2020.